
 Brief History of Late Fr. Simon Suvenava OP.

We heard the sad news of the passing away of Fr. Simon Suvenava OP. He died on the 20th of July at about 3.30 after a fall in the priest's house at Sirovanga. Let us be one in our prayers for Him. He lately was feeling very weak and has been in the hospital both in Honiara and Gizo. During the last month's retreat, he had dengue fever.

LET US IMITATE HIS PASTORAL ZEAL and cheerfulness in life.

Fr. Simon intercedes for us.

late Fr. Simon

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Diocese of Gizo Ordain 1st Permanent Deacon.

The Catholic Diocese of Gizo has ordained its first Permanent Deacon (PD) at St. Peters Cathedral Gizo during the Cathedral’s feast day on the 2nd Sunday of July 2023.

He is Jerome Kuibatu who is a current pastoral coordinator for the Diocese of Gizo whom has been welcomed at the Altar to serve the priests.


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Maleai End DMA Program Successfully.

Divine Mercy group at Maleai village, Holy Rosary parish Nila have made a very successful outreach program in their own community between the month of February and March.

The program involved praying, reflections, and sharing the Word of God focusing on the theme “Year of the Family”


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16 Priests Attend Annual Meeting.

16 priests attended their 3 days annual meeting at Bethania Spiritual Center Gizo which commenced on the 28th of March.

The meeting which was facilitated by Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb had its’ challenging agenda, which enabled the priests to pray, reflect, evaluate, and hold discussions.

p23group photo

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Day of the Sick Remember.

Pope’s message of the World Day of the Sick (WDS) has enlightened some parishes to visit the sick.


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Rally Reminds Mothers to be Close to the Church.

About 60 women from the St. Joseph Moli Parish, Sacred Heart of Jesus Wagina Parish and Nusabaruku women of St. Peters Gizo parish successfully ended their 4 days program at Wagina parish.

womens 2022Rally1

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Missionaries’ Visitation Calls On.

Missionaries visiting Moli, Taro, and Nila parishes have shown that the call was for all parishes to continue to have responsibility for the Church of God here in our diocese.


Their visitation revealed the bishop’s emphasis on having more priests and Religious for our diocese. Though the church has struggled to shape up more seminarians and outcomes we have few, but their presence has shown the bishop’s love for our church to fill up those gaps to build the Body of Christ.




These are the Sisters of the Servants of the Lord and the Vision of Matara, Sr. Roucia SSUM, Sr. Sponsa SSUM, Sr. Alborada SSUM, and Fr. Ruel from the Word Incarnate.

They were welcomed by the Students, Staff, and parishioners from our three parishes last month. They traveled on the boat MV Galilee from the 1st to the 9th of October.

They are now currently living and serving at the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish in Wagina.

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30 Confirmation Candidates, Wagina.

30 candidates for confirmation have received their confirmation at Wagina during the visitation of Bishop Luciano Capelli sdb on 26 June.

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Witnessed by the parishioners more have congratulated the children for accepting the Holy Spirit and being part of the member of the church; reminding them of the ability to practice their Catholic faith in every aspect of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation.

Bishop’s visitation also highlights his visit to the islands where he celebrated Mass, met people, and witness the community’s livelihood.

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