
Lenten Cross Launch for Pilgrimage around Parish.

On February 22nd, the Lenten Cross was launched for a pilgrimage around the communities at Holy Rosary Parish Nila.

The launching took place at the mission station and its first destination was St. John Bosco Senior and Technical School. Then they went to Tuha Junior Secondary School spending 2 days before their departure to the Fauro community.


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Erika Del Pero Continues her Gift.

 An Italian woman who built the St. Peters PPY School has continued to send gifts to Catholic PPY and Primary schools around Gizo Township.


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A Pagan Receives First Holy Communion.

Edward Bakabio came from Qolaiato'o Village, Easter Kwaio, Malaita Province.

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Parish Moli  Launch Family Year.

St Joseph parish Moli launched the year of the family this 16 Sunday, July.

With the theme for the program “Evangelize and Evangelization families; salt and light of the society”, the launching was started with the procession from the priest’s house to the church before the Eucharistic Mass celebration commenced.

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Parish activities, getting in little by little. 

Wagina Island has recorded several positive cases during the outbreak since the community outbreak in their province. More have recovered and now they started to focus ahead on their normal parish activities.

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Parish Priest’s simple message challenge parishioners.

St. Don Bosco parish community at Rabakela has welcomed their parish priest for his pastoral dedication during one of his visitations to that area during the month of Mother Mary, which was on the month of May last month.

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2021 YE Weekend Complete at St. Eugebius Noro 


This year Youth Encounters (YE) Seminar for the Catholic youths in the Diocese of Gizo has finally come to its completion last weekend 10 October.

The annual program that commenced on July with the facilitators training at Noro and now the YE seminars, took 5 weekends from the month of August until October.

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