
St. Eusebius Noro Applauds December Events. 

Saint Eusebius Noro was commended for their deeds of December 2023.

Among their delightful events was the visitation of Fr. Umberto, General Superior of Servants of Charity, who was escorted by Fr. Luigi, Delegate Superior of SMD, who highlighted their visit to Rarumana for the consecration of the renovated Chapel and their visit to Bishop Peter Houhou at Gizo as well as the visit of the two Italian AMIS volunteers.

fr.Umberto visit  visit to Bp  HFcannan  

Following that, the Feasts of St. Stephen Chapel in Sulumoni Village on Kolobangara and the Holy Family Feast in Canaan, Kohigo Island were also celebrated.

In fact, the parishioners in the rural areas surrounding Noro Township were made to feel cheerful by these activities.

carlopaoloNoro  sulumonifamily

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Current Covid-19 Provincial Outbreak, Change life Situation.

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The current corona outbreak in our province has changed our life situation in our parish said Anthony Telovai, a parish media volunteer from Moli.

“Like many other communities, Moli has faced a lot of challenges since the outbreak of the virus in the provinces”

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St. Peters Sunday school Weekend Rally

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12th to 14th November was one excited Rally for the Sunday school children of the St. Peters Catholic parish Gizo.

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Wagina Celebrates Christ's Birth in Style.

The Sacred Heart Parish of Wagina had its Christmas celebration in style.

A well-planned Christmas celebration commenced on Christmas Vigil Night where Sunday school children demonstrated the holy parents with baby Jesus wrapped in a swaddling cloth and laid him in a manger.

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On Christmas day a sculpture of baby Jesus was decorated traditionally according to their culture and was accompanied from house to house to visit the aging, disabled and those who could not make it to the Christmas Thanksgiving Mass.

Other outdoor celebrations of the birth of our Lord were planned for everyone following the visitation of baby Jesus.

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St. Peters Youths Gizo Complete 2021-Year Program.

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About 40 youths from the St. Peters Cathedral Gizo have completed their youth camp at Nusa Bosco primary school on Gizo Island, purposely to mark their end-year programs.

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Moli St. Joseph Parish Celebrate Easter Peacefully

St. Joseph parish Moli Choiseul celebrated their Easter as one of the most peaceful one this year. The peace event has gathered parishioners from five big villages and many small locations together for the Holy week.

On   the   Easter   Vigil,   celebration was supposed   to be on 8 pm but began on 5 pm.   Because   of   the population of about 2000 and the mission, station is an island, which is in the center of those villages, other villages have to travel more than an hour and parishioners have to cross by boat to the church.

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 Custom feasting is a practise still adopted today                                       During Thanksgiving Celebration

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Bishop Capelli sdb Welcome Back after Nine Months at Italy

The Parishioners for the Catholic Diocese of Gizo were happy to received back their bishop Bishop Luciana Capelli after returning from a medical trip in Italy.


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21 Graduates from Vanga Training Center.

Twenty-one year-2 students graduated with RTC Certificates at Vanga Training Center on the 13th of October 2023.  

The occasion was made colorful by a small community at Vanga school center as everyone prepared for the Thanksgiving Mass.

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