Kerr Barging Blogs
Back to France!
We will shortly be back in France. We will initially be staying at Les Chouettes ('The Owls") with Chantal and Christian while we get the boat ready. Over winter, it has had two of the double glazed windows replaced. This will make it easier to see where we are going and keep us warmer when we need it. We will also be doing some painting and varnishing, building secure bicycle racks on the stern, fitting bits of equipment and performing other maintenance.
Through the excellent assistance of the Charbuy Mairie and Christian, we have received our " Titres de Sejour" which are the renewal of our visas. We hope to pick them up at the Mairie, after paying the taxes at a tabac.
That's it for the moment, but things are cranking up very fast. We have had an extremely busy 6 months. As well as all the usual things to to, we had to do a lot of renovations to four verandah decks and railings.
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Best Regards,
Dave and Penny